Automated Deshelling Nut Bin


Automated Deshelling Nut Bin

    Existing System

  • There is no possibility of counting and knowing the exact quantity of coconuts loaded in individual bins and collective De-shelled storage Nut bins

    Disadvantages of Existing System

  • Opening & closing of conveyor gate and related conveyor operation is done manually requiring large number of Manpower
  • There is no system by which exact quantity of de-shelled nuts by individual workman and in the entire de-shelling process can be monitored and recorded in each shift and the efficiency of each workman and the entire process can be monitored

    Our Automation System for Blancher

  • Our system for nuts BINS, the quantity of de-shelled nuts in each BIN can be recorded and the number of de-shelled nuts by each workman in each shift can be monitored. This can be displayed on screens placed above/near BINS, and work efficiency of individual and collective workman can be monitored and recorded

    Advantages of our Automation System

  • By using special sensors, our system gives the quantity of production of each de-shelled nuts in individual BIN and in all BINS collectively. This can be monitored and recorded for each shift / each day / each month, thereby determining the efficiency of the individual and for the entire process
  • Our system also provides higher production of de-shelled nuts in each shift because of proper monitoring of whole operation with data available at every step
  • The opening and closing of conveyor gate for each bin is done automatically thereby saving substantial man power and improving efficiency manifolds